Welcome to our new forum!

We would like to invite you to not only read our articles but also to leave a comment.

The aim is to offer you the opportunity to get in contact with each other to be able to share knowledge and start a conversation about our topics. We hope that there will develop an enriching space for discussion and professional exchange „face to face“.

It works like this:

  1. Next to every article, you find the button „leave a comment“.
  2. Please click on this button and you’ll get to an extra page where the first item of content is the topic with a little teaser text.
  3. Below you have the possibility to leave a comment or to reply to a comment by someone else.
  4. Please note that your comment is going to be checked first and approved afterwards. So it may be a day before you can see it.
We ask you to respect the usual rules for a positive and respectful communication.
We will delete all content that violates existing laws, is insulting or defamatory and does not respect the required courtesy of human interaction.