Page 9 - vascular professional 01_2021_eMagazine
P. 9

vascular professional | issue 01 · 2021                                                     original article

 In the next presentation Dr. Petar Dragić talked about   applied. A special case where this is of great relevance
 his approach to endolaser and miniphlebectomy and their   would be post thrombotic veins where the wall is thicker
 application in special cases.  and energy should therefore be adapted. Single ring
 According to him along with a good medical outcome   probes are preferred because double ring probes diffuse
 the esthetic result is of utmost importance when it comes   the energy applied to the vein.
 to treatment of varicose veins, thus making high precision   When it comes to treating side branches Dr. Dragić
 necessary.  prefers miniphlebectomy to sclerotherapy due to the fact
 Dr. Dragić presented his zero level approach in order   that there is no risk of discoloration. In his presentation,
 to perform crossectomy, obliterating the GSV directly at   he stated that complete extraction is of importance to
 the  SFJ  since  a  remaining  postoperative  GSV  stump  is   prevent thrombosis and bleeding. Side branches are liga-
 the most common cause for recurrence. According to Dr.   ted to prevent bleeding.  27th
 Dragić, recurrences in the SFJ area could be due to existing   Dr. Denis Borsuk gave an overview on endolaser and
 capillary veins that dilate postoperatively.   miniphlebectomy in practice and literature, starting of
 Among the special cases successfully treated by Dr.   with some interesting data on isolated EVLT.
 Dragić using EVLT are insufficient GSV stumps after strip-  In 20% of patients, tributaries disappear after endo-
 ping or EVLT without lasercrossectomy. The zero level   venous treatment of GSV, an additional 65% experience
 approach has been shown to be an excellent treatment   a reduction of tributaries, which roughly is in accordance
 option for those cases.  to the 80% reduction previously reported by Prof. Dr.
 In order to prevent recurrences when performing   Maurins. Using this approach, thrombophlebitis occured
 EVLT,  Dr.  Dragić  also  applies  laser  energy  to  subfascial   in 10% of patients, 73% of which were satisfied with the
 perforator veins.   procedure nonetheless.
 In his lecture he highlighted the importance of taking   Patient selection for isolated EVLT is not yet evidence   The event is an offi cial advanced training event of the German Society for Phlebology e. V. recognized for the
 wall thickness into consideration when performing endo-  based but based on experience.  advanced training certifi cate of the German Society for Phlebology. Certifi cation is requested from the Hessen
                     Medical Association.
 venous lasertherapy. The energy should be adapted in ac-  According to studies by Dr. Borsuk et al thermal tume-
 cordance to vein wall thickness rather than just diameter   scent therapy leads to excellent occlusion rates with low
 since diameter does not necessarily correspond with wall   postoperative pain at any energy setting, thus proving
 thickness. This problem is approached by monitoring the   high efficacy of this treatment method.  Topic overview
 vein wall by ultrasound during operation and adjusting                   DIGITAL
 pullback speed accordingly, thus optimizing the energy   ▪ Diagnosis and therapy of varicose veins
                     ▪ Thromboembolic diseases                    save     April 30  –
                     ▪ Emergencies in phlebology              thedate May 1 , 2021
 PROF. H.C. DR. ALEXANDER FLOR  ▪ Pelvic varicose veins
                     ▪ COVID-19 and phlebology
 General Surgeon  to do it online. The virtual event took place on Nov 21    ▪ Wound treatment
 Private Practice for Vein, General and Endoscopic   2020 with over 600 registrations.  ▪ Compression therapy
 Surgery at Private Clinic Döbling in Vienna, Austria
                     ▪ Sclerotherapy

 Dr. Flor is a member of the American Vein and Lym-
 phatic Society. In 2002 he was awarded Gold by the
 American College of Phlebology for his technique of
 the „Transilluminated Miniphlebectomy“.   Congress President:
 Dr. Flor is using the Endolaser since 2001. His ex-  Prof. Dr. med. Eberhard Rabe, Bonn  Information and registration:
 perience with the technique he presented on various
 talks on five continents. In 2020 he was going to or-
 ganize the 35  Várady Workshop in Vienna (1  Veins
 International Congress). Due to the pandemia he had   © Prof. h.c. Dr. Alexander Flor  Congress organization: Wikonect GmbH, Hagenauer Straße 53, D-65203 Wiesbaden
                                       Tel.: +49 611 204809-0,,

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