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vascular professional | issue 02 · 2022
© Dr. Petar Dragić © Dr. Petar Dragić
fig. 6a > ELVeS Radial 2ring fiber while laser crossectomy fig. 6b > ELVeS Radial 2ring fiber while laser crossectomy
(ultrasound) (illustration)
After the laser is placed, tumescent anesthesia is admin- 1% of all operations and actually never had anything
istered. If adequately administered according to sandwich above level 3, which in itself is an extremely rare occasion.
principles, it allows excellent contact between edges of With the two techniques, UGLA and laser crossecto-
the junction and fiber tip. Also, it prevents surrounding my, I improved my skills to a level where I can freely guar-
tissue and small arterial vessels from damaging. After antee to my patients a successful treatment with sev-
TA readjustment of the laser fiber is needed, the laser is eral years of warranty for my work, without exceptions.
fired and we monitor the ablation, we can proceed with Problems once deemed impossible for the laser are now
the laser crossectomy. > fig. 6a, fig. 6b a common task and easily solved. I believe many could
The only possible negative outcome has proven to be prosper through my techniques and protocols. Me, and
E.H.I.T. and we regularly check for that during the next my colleagues have been providing educative workshops
couple of check-ups happening soon after operation. Still, on these techniques in my clinic, but also in congresses
we found that even the occurrence of E.H.I.T. is well below around the world.
The Laser Hospital “LaClinica“ The first step in this process is the chance for patients
to make their first contact with a doctor in a tele-con-
In Italy, the first clinic has opened where patients are trea- sultation. Even before entering the clinic, symptoms are
ted exclusively with minimally invasive laser methods: In clarified, questions discussed, and further information
a multi-level building on 700 square meters in the north obtained. Doctors book treatment rooms and operating
of Milan, 16 doctors are practicing between 8:00 a.m. and theaters on schedule, ready for use, without the risk of
8:00 p.m. in the medical fields of neurosurgery, gynecolo- delays, via slots.
gy, proctology, pain therapy, phlebology, ENT, urology, and Not least in the tense situation due to the Corona
gastroenterology. pandemic, “LaClinica” is making a valuable contribution to
The intention of “LaClinica” was to offer diagnosis and relieving the strain on the Italian healthcare system. By
therapy at the highest medical and technical level using expanding the range of outpatient treatments and taking
the latest and most innovative methods in an outpatient over non-urgent operations, impending postponements
treatment setting. The vision was a day clinic that would or even cancellations of planned operations can be com-
allow patients to receive medical services without being pensated for. ■
pulled from their daily activities.