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            On the topic of REVAS, there are many scientific publica-  ally to the SFJ. With this technique not only do we prevent
            tions and reviews. Many of these publications conclude   the stump from even appearing, we can also successfully
            that REVAS most often originate from the stump of the   remove stumps as short as 1cm and, in that way, help
            saphenous  vein,  if  crossectomy  is  not  performed.  The   patients with recurrent varicose veins.
            first centimeter from the SFJ of the great saphenous vein   That is exactly what I decided to start doing. By pla-
            can have as many as ten tributaries! That is a very high   cing the tip of the laser as close as 0.1mm away from the
            number of possible weak points for venous insufficiency.  common femoral vein, I could perform a crossectomy with
               SFJ is the most complex and proximal point of the   the laser and still not be worried about deep vein throm-
            superficial venous system of the leg and also it’s main    bosis.
            crossroad. The tributaries that form the junction include   The risk doesn’t increase as the precision of today’s
            the superficial iliac vein, superficial epigastric vein, then,   laser is measured in microns. The equipment of choice is
            from the pelvis, obturator vein and superficial and deep   always the biolitec ELVeS Radial fiber. >fig. 4
            pudendal veins, followed by the anterior and medial ac-
            cessory saphenous veins, which are often found inside
            a fascial fold, and finally a large number of submillimeter
            veins that drain the surrounding lymphatic nodes. What
            were previously thought to be neovascularizations are
            actually dilations of these small veins caused by increa-
            sed pressure if a GSV stump is left.
               First laser techniques and protocols indicated that   fig. 4 > ELVeS Radial 2ring Fiber          © biolitec
            the starting point of ablation should be 2cm away from
            the SFJ. The reason for this was obviously fear of deep
            vein thrombosis and, of course, pulmonary embolism.    This was a major breakthrough and since I started doing
            While the fear is well-founded, and we should always   my operations this way, I never looked back. My team is
            be wary of such complications, the biolitec ELVeS Radial    happier, my patients are happier thanks to the fewer re-
            fibers have proven to be very safe in this regard. Since the   currences happening, and naturally, I am happier as well.
            radial fiber shoots laser beams at 90 degrees, perpen-   Laser crossectomy technique is performed by introdu-
            dicular to the laser, there is no fear of propagation into   cing the laser fiber into GSV and placing the laser tip as
            the deep vein, even if the ablation starts very proxim-   close as 0.1mm to the line of CFV. > fig. 5a, fig. 5b

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                                                             © Dr. Petar Dragić           SFJ border    ➊ Anterior Acc. Vein    ➋ Epigastric Vein  © Dr. Petar Dragić

               fig. 5a > Starting point of ablation of SFJ (ultrasound)  fig. 5b > Starting point of ablation of SFJ (illustration)

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