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original article

            Incidence of nerve injury after endovenous laser

            ablation of incompetent great saphenous veins

            JUNICHI UTOH,

            Mei Utoh, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
            Kumamoto Vascular Clinic, Kumamoto, Japan

            The content of this study was presented at 21st    A nerve injury was defined as any neurological abnor-
            Annual Meeting of the European Venous Forum        mal feelings in the treated leg persisting after 1 month
            on 26th June 2021 (Web).                           after EVLA. Knee joint pain, sciatic neuralgia, and muscle
                                                               pains were carefully excluded.
            Summary:                                              At 1 year after EVLA, 25 patients who had postope-
            Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) was performed on    rative nerve injury were investigated by phone inter-
            1,489  patients  with  great  saphenous  vein  (GSV)  insuf-   view. They were asked if there were any changes in their
            ficiency. Nerve injury occurred in 3.1% of the patients.   symptoms. Patients informed the interviewer of their
            Incidence of nerve injury was 4 times higher in cases of   current pain level by selecting numbers on a range from
            ablation length more than 40cm when compared to those   “0-5”. Number “5” means “symptom has not changed”.
            below 40cm (5.2% vs 1.3%). One year after EVLA, more   Number “0” means “symptom completely disappeared”.
            than 90% of the patients were relieved from their   Results were divided into 3 groups. Number “1 or 2” is
            neurological symptoms.                             a group of “relieved”. There were also patients who
                                                               answered “3-5”. These were put into the “no change”
            Objectives:                                        group. They were also asked about their quality of life.
            Nerve injury is one of the most common complications
            after EVLA. The incidence rate is generally reported,   Results:
            having  a  wide  range  of  3-10%  in  literatures.  The  most   1  month  after  EVLA,  treated  GSV  were  evaluated  by
            common cause of the injury is a damage of the saphen-  ultrasonography. All GSV were completely obstructed.
            ous nerve system. Many of the injuries are transient, but   Nerve  injury  occurred  in  47  legs  (3.1%).  The  symptom
            some cases are known to be persistent.             was sensory nerve disturbance only. Motor nerves were
               In the present study, the incidence of nerve injury    not damaged. The most common symptom was a sensory
            was observed in patients who underwent EVLA of incom-  disorder of saphenous nerve area, like a numbness seen
            petent GSV. One year after EVLA, changes of the neuro-  after sitting with knee bending position for a long time.
            logical symptoms were investigated by phone interview.  The relationship between ablation length and incidence
                                                               of nerve injury is shown in > fig. 1. The longer the ablation
            Methods:                                           length, the higher the incidence rate observed.
            From January 2017 to December 2019, 1,489 patients
            (1,513 legs) underwent EVLA of incompetent GSV in
            the Kumamoto Vascular Clinic. The average age was 64.1
            years. Male to female ratio was 1:2.5.
               biolitec endovenous  laser system  (wave-length
            1470nm)  was  used with Radial 2ring fibers  (diameter
            1.85mm). Anesthesia was a combination of tumescent
            local  anesthesia  and  intravenous  anesthesia.  Ablation
            power was 9W. Targeting LEED was set at 50-70J/cm,    fig. 1 > Ablation length of GSV and incidence rate    © Junichi Utoh
            depending on the diameter of GSV.                     of nerve injury

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